"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." ~ Edmund Burke
Pourquoi la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos marecage, milieu humid & cours d'eaux?
here a home is built in a marecage!?
Avant - Printemps 2010
état "original", vers le gauche
état "original", vers le centre
état "original", vers le droit
Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its marecages & milieu humids?
Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect all its marecage, milieu humids & streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?
Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its marecages & milieu humids?
Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect all its marecage, milieu humids & streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?
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