mardi 21 juin 2011

Cour d'appel Confirme Validité du Règlement sur la Renaturalisation des Berges

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." ~ Winston Churchill

Régénération des berges Lac Simon 2011

Rives du lac St-Charles: l'appel des propriétaires rejeté

Richard Hénault
Le Soleil

(Québec) La Cour d'appel rejette le pourvoi d'un groupe de propriétaires riverains et confirme la validité du Règlement sur la renaturalisation des berges du lac Saint-Charles, adopté par la Ville de Québec afin de préserver la qualité de l'eau provenant de sa principale source d'approvisionnement.

Un premier jugement rendu en avril 2010 en Cour supérieure avait donné raison à la Ville de Québec. Son règlement, adopté pour contrer la prolifération de cyanobactéries, oblige les propriétaires riverains à aménager sur leurs propriétés une bande d'arbres, d'arbustes et de plantes d'une largeur de 10 à 15 mètres. >>>PLUS

jeudi 16 juin 2011

Lac Simon: Proteger Nos Cour D'eaux & Lacs?

"It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment."
~ Ansel Adams

la Municipalité de Lac-Simon ne proteger pas l'eau dans nos culverts avec du geotextile & roches?

here are several examples of various culverts along the newly paved section of Tour-de-Lac that have been left unprotected! Why is needless erosion allowed into our streams & water!?

here is the erosion flowing into the lake

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its "cours d'eau"?
Will not the erosion add sediment to our streams & lakes, increasing the aging process unnecessarily?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon ensure that all culverts are surrounded by geotextiles & rocks to limit erosion into our lake, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?

dimanche 5 juin 2011

Lac Simon: Proteger Nos Rouisseaux & Lacs?

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
~ John Muir

la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos cours d'eaux et rouisseaux?

here is an example of a bulldozer almost completely burying a stream!
renplissage du rousseaux?

renplissage du rousseaux?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its "cours d'eau"?
Will not the erosion add sediment to our streams & lakes, increasing the aging process unnecessarily?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners enforce the 10 meter buffer around all streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?

samedi 4 juin 2011

Lac Simon: Proteger Nos Rouisseaux & Lacs?

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not." -Dr Seuss

Pourquoi la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos cours d'eaux et rouisseaux?

here a developer requests that a contractor drop several loads of gravel at two points along the shoreline in Baie L'ours

situation 1

situation 2

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its "cours d'eau"?
Will not the erosion add sediment to our streams & lakes, increasing the aging process unnecessarily?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners enforce the 10 meter buffer around the lake and its streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?

See September 2008 post:
Developement Baie L'Ours: Destruction Overview

vendredi 3 juin 2011

Lac Simon: Proteger Nos Marecage & Milieu Humid?

"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." ~ Edmund Burke

Pourquoi la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos marecage, milieu humid & cours d'eaux?

here a home is built in a marecage!?
Avant - Printemps 2010état "original", vers le gauche

état "original", vers le centre

état "original", vers le droit

Durant la construction - Automne 2010de l'autre cote de la baie

de l'autre cote de lac barriere

Apres la construction - Printemps 2011

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its marecages & milieu humids?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect all its marecage, milieu humids & streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?

jeudi 2 juin 2011

Lac Simon: Proteger Nos Berges?

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos berges et lacs?

here on the property of the municipality of Lac Simon, trees are cut and both gravel & black earth are deposited not only along the shoreline of the river La Petite Nation but also, incredibly, on chemin de la Presqu'ile which is again municipal property!

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its shoreline?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect all its shorelines, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?

"Great spirits have always been met with violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

mercredi 1 juin 2011

Maison Unifamiliale Bâti sur Chemin Caron

Maison unifamiliale bâti sur un petit lot sur chemin 411 Caron

Ile Canard Blanc: Proteger nos Milieu Humids!

"Only after the last tree has been cut down; Only after the last fish has been caught; Only after the last river has been poisoned; Only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten."
~ Cree Indian Prophecy

Pourquoi la Municipalité de Lac-Simon n'exige pas nos commerces et citoyens de proteger nos marecage, milieu humid & cours d'eaux sur Ile Canard Blanc?

Example 1 - bord de Lac a proteger?

Example 2 -
bord de Lac a proteger?

Photos above (1 & 2) were taken in area of 63, 64, 65, 66, & 67!
Example 3
- Interieur de Ile Canard Blanc a Proteger?

Example 4 - Rousseau & bord du lac sur Ile Canard Blanc a Proteger?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect its marecages & milieu humids?

Should not the Municipalité de Lac-Simon & its partners protect all its marecage, milieu humids & streams, for the benefit of the environment as well as all stakeholders?