le 07 décembre 2010
Malorie Beauchemin
La Presse
(Ottawa) Absence de stratégie pour l'adaptation aux changements climatiques, incapacité à recueillir les informations nécessaires pour gérer les enjeux environnementaux critiques, comme les déversements de pétrole, surveillance inadéquate des ressources en eau douce; le Canada manque cruellement de leadership sur le plan environnemental, déplore le commissaire à l'environnement et au développement durable, Scott Vaughan.
Au moment même où le ministre fédéral de l'Environnement, John Baird, s'envolait pour Cancún, au Mexique, afin de participer au 16e sommet international sur le climat, M. Vaughan a déposé à la Chambre des communes, mardi, son rapport automnal 2010 qui fait état d'importantes lacunes dans la façon dont le gouvernement fédéral gère les enjeux environnementaux. PLUS >>>
Watchdog blasts Tories on climate change, oil-spill preparedness
Gloria Galloway
December 7, 2010
Globe & Mail
The Conservative government has failed to protect Canadians from the effects of climate change, to assess the quality of fresh water and to prepare for the possibility of a massive oil spill from ships sailing off Canada’s coasts, the Ottawa’s environment watchdog said Tuesday
“There is little in our findings to offset a discouraging picture, as most suggest underlying problems in how these federal programs are being managed,” Scott Vaughan, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, said in releasing his highly critical fall report. MORE >>>
Gloria Galloway
December 7, 2010
Globe & Mail
The Conservative government has failed to protect Canadians from the effects of climate change, to assess the quality of fresh water and to prepare for the possibility of a massive oil spill from ships sailing off Canada’s coasts, the Ottawa’s environment watchdog said Tuesday
“There is little in our findings to offset a discouraging picture, as most suggest underlying problems in how these federal programs are being managed,” Scott Vaughan, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, said in releasing his highly critical fall report. MORE >>>
2010 Fall Report
Commissioner of the Environment & Sustainable Development Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Commissioner of the Environment & Sustainable Development Office of the Auditor General of Canada
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