mercredi 18 juillet 2007

Photo Gallery: Residents Must Upgrade Septic Systems

One of many long term residents who refuses to abide by the law.
This property owner is dumping his ineffective septic tank overflow in open pits on his land. First open pit #1 Second open pit #2 ????Questions???? This resident has apparently removed the ABS pipe network. But when will he upgrade his septic system? Will the resident be forced to "clean up" the open pits? ************* Far too many long term Lac Simon residents refuse to upgrade their ineffective septic systems. Informed sources estimate that at least 25% Lac Simon septic systems must be upgraded. Every septic system of Lac Simon must be tested. Ineffective septic systems must be replaced. No excuses. No delays. It is time for our municipal, provincial & federal officials act. ************* 12 locations on Lac Simon have E Coli. Enough is enough.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit...

Well, I'm impressed. Your blog is a great voice for our community and thanks a lot for taking the time to set it up.

Never was my family aware of all the horribles things that were going on around the lake. THANKS to you...We know now.

And, speaking for myself... I cannot sit around and do nothing about it... Now that I know! It is HORRIBLE! We must act now... Before it is too late!!!